Dazzling & Divine

MSRP: $24.95


Contemporizes and personalizes the meaning of the spiritual journey.

SKU: 978-1-880292-69-3 Category: Tag:


“In this deep and enlightening book of reflections on his personal walk with God, pastoral counselor and writer Mark Jones invites the reader to reflect upon his/her own personal relationships with God and offers practical suggestions for developing a more authentic and responsive life of faith. Filled with narrative illustrations and provocative discussion questions, this masterful and engaging book will be read again and again by pastoral educators, counselors, pastors, and laypersons who want to develop a deeper walk with God and to become more effective in helping others to connect with eternal resources. The author asserts that effective ministry is above everything else an expression of discipleship that is grounded in, flows from, and is sustained by a deep spiritual life.”

—Lindell E. Anderson, D.Min., LMFT, Pastoral Educator and Counselor

“This reflection on the spiritual journey by Mark Jones will speak to the souls of many. Grounded both in experience and Christian sources, it helps to elucidate our lives. From the path of discipleship to that of contemplation through the turning point of disillusionment along the way, we are challenged, consoled, and wisely guided. We will all benefit from this thoroughly biblical, thoroughly contemporary paradigm.”

—Donald J. Goergen, O.P., Ph.D. Author of The Sexual Celibate,
The Mission and Ministry of Jesus,
and many other works

“In a well-researched and carefully-planned book, Mark Jones contemporizes and personalizes the meaning of the spiritual journey. This is a book for those who seek to experience authentic and joyful spirituality.”

—Donald L. Anderson, Ph.D., Executive Director Emeritus,
Ecumenical Center for Religion and Health, San Antonio, TX,
Author of Better Than Blessed

Mark Sibley Jones is the author of several books and articles on psychological and spiritual approaches to life and therapy. Mark has a doctorate in pastoral care and is a therapist, educator, and spiritual director. He also has a background in employee assistance services and organizational consulting.