Sand Castles and Fortresses

MSRP: $5.95


12 Bible studies explain a vital key to Christian relationships.

SKU: 978-1-880292-02-0 Category: Tags: ,


This national best-seller explains how Scripture’s long-overlooked One New Person theme is a key to vital Christian relationships. Marriage, Family, Neighbor/Friend, Vocation, Body of Christ, personal life in Christ: the Bible likens these to living beings created by God, each of them greater than the sum of its parts.

As the author describes in her readable and accessible style, it’s as though God brings two dimes together and creates a new quarter from them.

Pastors and church members report that this well-organized and teachable Bible study has been a major factor in the turn-around their church made in the months that followed the study.

About the Author

Lois worked closely with her husband, James Qualben, in developing the “Peace in the Parish” project. A graduate of Concordia College, her master’s degree is in guidance counseling. A teacher and guidance counselor for over 20 years, she is author of Christ-Care Bible Study and Values Symphony.