You Might Be In a Country Church If…

MSRP: $8.95


Humor and affection for unique characteristics of the country church.

SKU: 978-1-880292-23-5 Categories: , Tag:


You might be in a country church if
…you cross three cattle-guards to get there.
…the minister owns a tractor.
…opening of deer hunting season is recognized as an official church holiday.
…when it rains, everybody’s smiling.
…it’s located more than 25 miles from a “Resume Speed” sign.

There is a difference between rural and urban churches. This book is an amusing and affectionate attempt to present some of the unique characteristics of the country church. Its intent is to be a mirror in which rural church folks will see and celebrate themselves, as well as a window through which city church people can come to a better understanding and appreciation of their country cousins.

About the Author

Ron Birk is a Texas rancher who raises goats and cattle. He spent twenty years as Lutheran Campus Pastor at Texas A&M and Southwest Texas State Universities. “Retired” from the ministry, Ron now devotes his time to the ranch. He has written three other books: What’s a Nice God Like You Doing in a Place Like This?—You Can’t Walk on Water If You Stay in the Boat, Don’t Go Barefoot to a Snake Stompin’, and St. Murphy’s Commandments.

Birk is a popular humorous after-dinner speaker appearing before various types of groups around the country. For many years he wrote a column for the Lutheran publication The Vista.

About the Illustrator

David Espurvoa is a graphics artist who was director of publishing services at Texas Lutheran University before taking a position in Wisconsin.

Church organizations may duplicate cartoons for their publications (with proper notation of source).